Sustainable Investing
For investors who seek to generate attractive returns while helping to shape the world around us.

The Importance of Sustainable Investing
We believe that considering Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in the investment decision-making process can deliver performance while also improving lives. We therefore examine ESG factors in all our investment decisions while also offering a range of proactive sustainable investing options.
We believe ESG-focused investment decision-making is well aligned with being an active capital owner as it:
- Promotes corporate accountability
- Expands decision-making information
- Increases attention on the long term
- Incorporates the importance of ethical business practices
A Range of Options
For clients who are interested in proactive sustainable investing solutions, we offer a variety of options which are customized to client needs.
An ESG Integrated Portfolio is diversified across asset classes and focused on securities and funds with high ESG ratings and proactive ESG strategies, while also pursuing investment returns consistent with standard benchmarks.
Exclusionary Screening rigorously avoids investments that can negatively impact the environment or society. For many investors, these include investments in fossil fuels, alcohol, firearms, and gambling.
Thematic investing supports issues that are important to you while also generating investment returns. These themes may include issues like renewable energy, energy efficiency, water, inclusive finance, education and health.
Impact investing is designed to produce tangible environmental or social impact while pursuing financial returns. Examples include conservation-based project financing, micro-financing for minority-owned small businesses, and social impact bonds.